Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Elk City - Oklahoma - Day 14

We decided on a long drive to Elk City (422 miles) because we'd like to get to Colorodo ASAP. Nothing much to report, but the Arkansas countryside is all that they say it is (the state motto is "The Natural State") Open, vast farm land with red barns sparley populating the landscape.

Travelling west across Oklahoma, the terrain has changed dramatically. Dry arid flat land - windy and in summary fairly misarable. The conditions here have made up our minds to push on even further from Elk City to Allamosa, Colorado. Another 533 miles later, this time on the famed Route 66. American nostalgia personified. This part of the journey was littered with middle 20th Century billboards and towns clnging onto the 'good ol days" where this route was the only way across the states before the construction of the Interstae Highways.

The Route 66 museaum is a restored replica of how things used to be and a little further down the road some bright spark decided to bury 12 caddilacs (each one model aprt from 1955 - 1967) half way into the ground. For some reason this has become a national landmark.

The drive to Allamosa has taken us through 4 states, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and into Colorado crossin a time zone

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