Friday, 13 June 2008

Seattle, Washington - Days 28-30

Civilisation.....Yay!! Well, sort of.......... we've finally arrived in Seattle. 4808 miles from Miami , diagonally across 14 states. Dom Wigley, I believe you may owe Rogers a case of Savannah Dry??

With our budget in the red, we have decided to chill out in a cheaper camp site just outside Olympic National Park for a few days. We've given our trusty Chevy a breather and have spent the last few days completing some admin, washing(that'll be Kim's job) and a few games of Rummy. On current form, I can't wait to let Rogers loose on the tables in Vegas.... we might yet recover all the money we've spent on petrol.

Seems like there is lots to do in Seattle and we only have the Chevy for a few more days before we cross the border to Canada to visit Neil and Mich. So we're off tomorrow to play "Tommy Tourist" for the second time on this trip - not sure sure that it will have the same appeal New York did.

In summary, our journey across the US has been filled with breathtaking scenery, long drives, camping food out of tins, extreme weather (on both ends of the scale!), a few hot showers and trying to keep up with World events by reading the USA TODAY cover to cover. The yanks clearly don't have an interest in world events (unless it involves oil) so the papers and radio have been dominated by the Clinton/Obama primary election, the panic setting in about the daily increases in the gas price and the revived rivalry between the LA Lakers and Boston Celtics. Therefore, listening to the BBC World Service on the car radio has been the only way we get to hear what our Uncle's Mugabe and Zuma are up to.

We've had and interesting perspective on American thoughts about the major issues. The constant complaining about the gas price (half that of the UK)is fairly laughable when you consider the size of the vehicles they drive here......our Chevy looks like a scooter in comparison. I think Kimmy and I are both Obama fans and we're hoping for everyone's sake that he manages to expose McCain for the backward thinking cowboy that he is....only time will tell.

Looking forward to relaxing a bit now in Canada and renewing our "Barnes" days with ex roomies and a "few" bottles of RED.


Andrew said...

Hi guys
Thanks for the fathers day call, it was great to hear from you.
How did you survive the cold in that tent? Our holiday is already a distant memory, back to the grindstone for another year

lots of Love

Emily said...


Pete you're getting a mean-ass tan!...looks like you're both having a great time...

i'm very jealous but reading your blog is really cool.

lots of love and be safe

p.s. Derek the parrot says "hello"

xx Em

Unknown said...

Oh God, looks like you guys are having such a sh*t time!!!!!

Check your blog often so keep it updated, love looking at it.

All going fine here, will keep you posted.

love me x x x