Monday, 14 July 2008

Day 60 - Last night in the US of A

Our last night in the US has come so quickly. We spent it in a motel near the airport (LAX)

Our little summary:

We have covered 13,415 miles from London Heathrow to LAX.
We've stayed in a structure (Hotel/Motel/Hostel & Neil and Mich's) for 22 nights.
We've camped for 38 nights.
We've crossed 3 time zones.
We've been into 17 States.

Some colloquialisms that have made us giggle:

Pecan (as in the nut) - pronounced as p'khan
Prius - Pree-us
Herb - 'erb
Anything well done is "Good Jaaaab"
Most dogs are called "Bud" - Buuuud

Camping is by far our favourite thing to do. We've loved every single night that we have slept in our tent, from the unbearable heat, to the leaky old tent, to the new tent, to the snow blizzard that we got caught in. In fact, I was very sad when we had to pack the tent up and send it home (My Daddy is going to have a nice job cleaning that!! But I'm sure he'll do a "good jaaaaab")

Peter and I have come to realise that we are both simple souls. Being out in nature, sleeping in a tent and eating camping mush is when we are the happiest - while going into cities and staying in hotels is fun, it just doesn't compare. When we finally get home, we'll be doing loads of camping, so those at home be prepared!!

Even though we have driven across the country, we probably didn't even scratch the surface. Some states were not worth stopping in, while in others you could probably spend months and not see it all. Our favourite places by far have been the Rocky Mountains and California.

Americans (in their own country) are not nearly as obnoxious as we thought before we got here, in fact 99% of the Yanks we have met along the way were incredibly friendly. For all the flag waving and rah, rah, rah you see in the movies, they are a fiercely patriotic country. They simply love their country, and for that you can't really fault them. We wish more South Africans could display as much patriotism.

All in all, we've loved this first stretch of the journey and are looking forward to our next stop - FIJI, so until then.........


Kerry said...

Well done Pete and Kimmy. It all make for great reading and I am now looking forward to reading about your experiences outside of the U of A ! Keep up the good compositions ! Kerry from Cape Town !

Anonymous said...

I love your US translations! I never realized we say such funny things! I am sooo jealous of your journey! I love reading the updates, in fact all of us are hooked on your updates!

Be smart, be safe!

Your family in So Cal


Anonymous said...

Peter and Kim - Hope you are having a fabulous time in Fiji. When you get back home, you must get a dog named "Bud". We really enjoyed the brief time we spent with you and have told so many of our friends of your journey. We will continue to track you across the world. I feel like such a stalker! Take care.
Kandy Thornton