Sunday, 31 August 2008

Blog adim update

Hey all, Been slightly hectic the last 28 days so we have had very little time to do any updates. Have just posted 3 new ones below and have 3 more to come which include our visit to Macca and Gail in whoring hot K'town.

We're in Brisbane today waiting for our Bali flight - Can you believe that we're done in Oz already??!! Hopefully going into SE Asia with no fixed itinerary we'll have a bit more time to relax an fill you in on the balance of the Oz experience.

Macca, Gail and leBean lePoep (will explain later) we miss you already - it was so cool to see that life here in Oz is treating all three of you so well!!!

Basher and Nopiel, Happy B'day for the 4th and 5th respectively - we did think of you and had a few beers with Macca to celebrate.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Hi guys

Great to hear you guys are OK and enjoying yourselves on your great adventure. You have lived in CT all your life and only now realise the fun in Sailing,surfing and snorkelling. everything OK in CT Natasha turns 1 11/09/2008
Lots of Love Missing you guys.